Tuesday, 12 May 2015


Computer Introduction
Computer is an amazing machine. We are living in the computer age today that most of our daily activities can't be accomplished without using one. Computer has become an indispensable and multipurpose tool for us. We are breathing in the computer age and gradually computer has become such a desire necessity of life that it is difficult to imagine life without it.
For most of the people, computer is a machine used for a calculation or a computation, but actually it is much more than that. Precisely Computer is an electronic device for performing arithmetic and logical operation. Computer is a device or a flexible machine to process data and converts it into information.
To know about the complete process that how computer works, we will have to come across the various terms such as Data, Processing and Information. First of all we will have to understand these terms in true sense.
1.  DATA    
“Data” is nothing but a mare collection of basic facts and figure without any sequence. When the data is collected as facts and figure, it has no meaning at that time, for example, name of student, names of employees etc.

‘Processing’ is the set of instruction given by the user or the related data to output the meaningful information. Which can be used by the user? The work of processing may be the calculation, comparisons or the decision taken by the computer.

‘Information ’is the end point or the final output of any processed work. When the output data is meaning it is called information.

Development of Computer
Actually speaking electronic data processing does not go back more than just half a centaury i.e. they are in existence merely from early 1940’s. In early days when our ancestor used to reside in cave the counting was a problem. Still it is stated becoming difficult. When they started using stone to count their animals or the possession they never knew that this day will lead to a computer of today. People today started following a set of procedure to perform calculation with these stones, which later led to creation of a digital counting device, which was the predecessor the first calculating device invented, was know as ABACUS.

Abacus is known to be the first mechanical calculating device. Which was used to be performed addition and subtraction easily and speedily? This device was a first develop Ed by the Egyptians in the 10th centaury B.C, but it was given it final shape in the 12th centaury A.D. by the Chinese educationists. Abacus is made up of wooden frame in which rod where fitted across with rounds beads sliding on the rod. It id dividing into two parts called ‘Heaven’ and ‘Earth’. Heaven was the upper part and Earth was the lower one. Thus any no. can be represented by placing the beads at proper place.


As the necessity demanded, scientist started inventing better calculating device. In thus process John Napier’s of Scotland invented a calculating device, in the year 1617 called the Napier Bones. In the device, Napier’s used the bone rods of the counting purpose where some no. is printed on these rods. These rods that one can do addition, subtraction, multiplication and division easily.


In the year 1642, Blaise Pascal a French scientist invented an adding machine called Pascal’s calculator, which represents the position of digit with the help of gears in it.


In the year 1671, a German mathematics, Gottfried Leibniz modified the Pascal calculator and he developed a machine which could perform various calculation based on multiplication and division as well.


In the year 1833, a scientist form England knows to be Charles Babbage invented such a machine. Which could keep our data safely? This device was called Analytical engine and it deemed the first mechanical computer. It included such feature which is used in today’s computer language. For this great invention of the computer, Sir Charles Babbage is also known as the father of the computer.

As the time passed, the device of more suitable and reliable machine was need which could perform our work more quickly. During this time, in the year 1946, the first successful electronic computer called ENIAC was developed and it was the starting point of the current generation of computer

ENIAC was the world first successful electronic computer which was develops by the two scientists namely J. P. Eckert and J. W. Mauchy. It was the beginning of first generation computer. The full form of ENIAC is “Electronic Numeric Integrated And Calculator” ENIAC was a very huge and big computer and its weight was 30 tones. It could store only limited or small amount of information. Initially in the first generation computer the concept of vacuum tubes was used. A vacuum tube was such an electronic component which had very less work efficiency and so it could not work properly and it required a large cooling system.

As the development moved further, the second generation computers knocked the door. In this generation, transistors were used as the electronic component instead of vaccum tubes .A transistors is much smaller in the size than that of a vaccum tube. As the size of electrons components decreased from vaccum tube of transistor, the size of computer also decreased and it became much smaller than that of earlier computer.


Integrated circuit
The third generation computers were invented in the year 1964. In this generation of computer, IC (Integrated circuits) was used as the electronic component for computers. The development of IC gave birth to a new field of microelectronics. The main advantage of IC is not only its small size but its superior performance and reliability than the previous circuits. It was first developed by T.S Kilby. This generation of computer has huge storage capacity and higher calculating speed.


Personal Computer
This is the generation where we are working today. The computers which we see around us belong to the fourth generation computers. ‘Micro processor’ is the main concept behind this generation of computer.
A microprocessor is a single chip (L.S.I circuit), which is used in a computer for any arithmetical or logical functions to be performed in any program. The honaur of developing microprocessor goes to Ted Hoff of U.S.A. He developed first micro-processor, the Intel 4004, as he was working for Intel Corporation, U.S.A with the use of microprocessor in the fourth generation computers, the size of computer become very fast and efficient. It is evident that the next generation of computer i.e. fifth generation will be developed soon. In that generation, computer will possess artificial intelligence and it would be able to take self decisions like a human being.


From the entry we will learn about the history of computer development. Currently, Malaysia is still in the develop country which is getting more improvement of technology especially in the computer technology. How ever, from this entry we will learn a few information and getting knowledge about the computer.

Sources : http://wikieducator.org/History_of_Computer_Development

Monday, 11 May 2015


Cocurriculum Center, Division of Student Affairs was established in early 2004 as a result of restructuring UiTM in order to produce graduates who meet the 21 feature set UiTM graduates. Curriculum Center was established by UiTM to perform the duties of Chairman of the Cocurriculum Centre and staff in accordance with the provisions of Act 173.

Curriculum Center has two important parts of the Unit Kesatria (now known as Cocurriculum Unit) and Administration Unit Kesatria curricular unit is the first unit established in UiTM arising from two incidents of demonstrations by students in all universities (including UiTM) in late 1975 and early 1976. In order to overcome discipline problems and student misconduct that time, Kesatria established cocurriculum its objective to apply the values ​​of discipline among students.

The number of students taking curriculum Kesatria and other co-curricular activities have also increased in line with developments in UiTM. Found that 30% of students UiTM is a member of the Kesatria and the remainder from other parts of the curriculum course. The number of students who take the course curriculum that includes many UiTM Associate College needs to close monitoring. UiTM general reorganization and restructuring services in the Division of Student Affairs in particular have regard to the function and role of the knight and all Unit staff to ensure service in HEP ​​meet the needs of students and the university's intention.

Restructuring the organization and staff Knights Unit Kesatria seen a serious effort Division of Student Affairs in strengthening co Implementation at UiTM. In this case started in October 2007 changed its name to Knights Unit Curriculum Unit and Officer and Assistant knight called Cocurriculum Officer and Assistant Curriculum. With this function, they not only responsible the Uniform. The cocurriculum at UiTM even placed under the management and staff Cocurriculum Officer. It aims to give more space to expand the scope of the organization, improve the functions and responsibilities to existing posts. It is hoped that with the implementation of extra-curricular courses in UiTM entire system will run more structured and systematic.

Curriculum Center so far has been through various changes era in accordance with the vision and mission of the University as well as changes in the socio-cultural and socio-political state. Malay supremacy latest issue is on the agenda of the first University in the regeneration of the spirit of patriotism among the students of UiTM for the time being.

At present there are 148 extra-cocurricular courses credited placed under the eight cores, namely:
• Leadership
• Volunteerism
• Arts and Culture
• Entrepreneurship
• Sports
• Community Service
• Public Speaking
• Initiatives and Innovations

Curriculum Center functions:

Offers cocurricular programs are mandatory for three semesters to all full-time students at UiTM. Offering extra-curricular program continued through uniformed bodies such as the National Knights, PALAPES, SUKSIS and SISPA.

Empower and strengthen the implementation of existing co-curricular courses and increase the number of extra-curricular courses should the need arise.

Strengthen and manage the database of student registration, evaluation and analysis of the performance of co-curricular courses.

Friday, 8 May 2015

Computer Viruses : How do they work?

Nowadays, with the common use of computers in our everyday lives, attack of a computer virus is imminent. We use it almost everyday in our daily lives. Be it for work, entertainment even leisures.

Computer viruses come in few forms. Some are mild, while others proved to be devastating. Here are the most common  type:
  • Viruses
A virus is a small piece of software that piggybacks on real programs. For example, a virus might attach itself to a program such as a spreadsheet program. Each time the spreadsheet program runs, the virus runs, too, and it has the chance to reproduce (by attaching to other programs) or wreak havoc.
  • E-mail viruses
An e-mail virus travels as an attachment to e-mail messages, and usually replicates itself by automatically mailing itself to dozens of people in the victim's e-mail address book. Some e-mail viruses don't even require a double-click -- they launch when you view the infected message in the preview pane of your e-mail software [source: Johnson].
  • Trojan horses:
A Trojan horse is simply a computer program. The program claims to do one thing (it may claim to be a game) but instead does damage when you run it (it may erase your hard disk). Trojan horses have no way to replicate automatically.
  • Worms
A worm is a small piece of software that uses computer networks and security holes to replicate itself. A copy of the worm scans the network for another machine that has a specific security hole. It copies itself to the new machine using the security hole, and then starts replicating from there, as well.

Get yourself some trustworthy antivirus in the market to fend yourself off these viruses